Start a new registration or view your existing registration details by entering your email address below.
Call us at (866) 203-8169 / (415) 947-6858
Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM PT
Your email address is required to complete your registration as well as to check in on-site for your badge. We will use your email address to send you information about other offerings, including events, products and services, as described in the Informa Tech LLC Privacy Policy. Please note that attendance at certain sponsored sessions or programs may require the release of your contact information to the program sponsor(s).
If you are already registered for Enterprise Connect 2025 and need to make changes, please enter the email you used to register with. You will be prompted to enter your password.
The event organizers reserve the right to refuse Expo Plus pass registrations from representatives of companies that compete with official Enterprise Connect Sponsors. If you would like to become an exhibitor, please learn more about our available Exhibiting & Sponsorship Opportunities.